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Token ring method

What is Token ring method?

  • Token ring method is a communication protocol used in Local area networks (LAN's)
  • In ring topology, the data is transmitted based on token passing
  • It is also called token pass method
  • A token is an empty frame that circulates around the network
  • In token ring method, a token is circulated throughout the network from one node to the other

How data is transmitted?

  • If  node A has to transmit the data, it waits for the frame
  • When the frame reaches node A, the node holds the frame and attach the data to be transmitted along with the destination address and transmits the frame
  • The frame circulates the ring until it reaches the destination
  • Let node C be the destination, when the frame reaches destination, the destination node (node C) copies the data from the frame and sends acknowledgement to the sender (node A)
  • When the frame reaches node A with the acknowledgement, node A removes all the data from the frame and retransmits the empty frame into the network
  • This is how the token ring method works
In this method, only one node can transmit the data at a time. So there is no possibility for collision.

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