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Types of networks

 There are five types of networks
  1.  Personal area network (PAN)
  2.  Local area network (LAN)
  3.  Metropolitan area network (MAN)
  4.  Wide area Network (WAN)
  5. Internetwork (INTERNET)

1. Personal area network (PAN) :

  • Personal area network is a network that we use for our personal needs in a short range 
  • It is the smallest network
  • Range - Less than 10 meters
   Example : Bluetooth, Printer, Keyboard, Mouse

2. Local area network (LAN) :

  • In local area network a group of computers are connected to each other in a small area
  • Range - 10 meter to 1 km
  • In LAN's, the data transfer rate will be high
  • Resource sharing is very easy in LAN's

3.  Metropolitan area network (MAN) :

  • Metropolitan area network is a large area formed by interconnecting various LAN's
  • Range - Up to 100 kms

4. Wide area network (WAN) : 

  • Wide area network is a huge geographical area 
  • It provides connectivity to MAN's and LAN's
  • Range - Up to 1000 kms

5. Internet :

  • Internet is networks of networks
  • It is the largest network which connects all WAN's
  • Through internet we can share enormous information worldwide

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